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Упражнения на пассивный залог 7 класс английский язык

Passive Voice. 7 класс: разноуровневые упражнения

«5» Поставьте выделенные глаголы в PassiveVoice, внеся необходимые изменения в предложения. 1. She took a long time to write the composition, but at last she wrote it.

2. Don’t put the cup there: somebody will break it. 3. Why weren’t you at the birthday party? — They didn’t invite me. 4. We met many difficulties, but all the same we finished the work in time.

5. We shall leave you behind if you are not quick.

6. I spent all my money on books last month. 7. I don’t think we shall do all this work to­day: there is too much of it.

8. It’s a very funny thing that when I start doing this, somebody always stops me. 9. Don’t leave these sweets on the table: somebody will eat them. 10. She really broke her mother’s heart when she left home.

Об английском с любовью

Present Indefinite 11.

11. The bees attacked the bear when it tried to take their honey. «3» Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentSimplePassive 1. The postbox (to empty) every day.
The news ( to announce) tomorrow morning. Future Indefinite 12. The box ( not to open) for the last hundred years. Present Perfect 13. The article still ( to translate). Present Continuous 14. A new metro line (to construct) in our town next year. Future Indefinite 15. The excursion (to organize) well.

Present Perfect 16. His granny ( to take) to hospital last Saturday.

Past Indefinite 17. The Tower of London formerly (to use) as a prison. Past Indefinite 18. A new rule (to explain) now.

Present Continuous 19. Her book ( to publish) next month.

Future Indefinite 20. Two of my dinner plates ( to break). Future Indefinite 25.

Passive Voice (пассивный залог, страдательный залог) в английском языке – правила и упражнения

– Мне дали премию His house was ruined.

Present Perfect 21. These newspapes and journals ( to sell) everywhere. Present Indefinite. 22. The short story ( to read) aloud now. Present Continuous 23. A big battle (to fight) here 200 years ago. Past Indefinite 24. She ( to meet) at the station tomorrow morning?

– Его дом был разрушен. Существует мнение, что следует избегать употребления страдательного залога особенно в письменной речи, чтобы не усложнять высказывание. Есть несколько случаев:

  1. Лицо / предмет, совершающее действие, неизвестно.

Our house was broken into last week.

Это действительно так: не нужно употреблять страдательный залог там, где можно употребить действительный. Когда стоит употреблять пассивный залог?
  1. Лицо / предмет, совершающее действие, не важен.

The job will be finished by Monday.

– Наш дом ограбили на прошлой неделе.

– Работа будет закончена к понедельнику.

  1. Лицо / предмет, совершающее действие, очевиден из контекста.

My brother was fined for driving without license. – Моего брата оштрафовали за вождение без прав.

  1. когда мы заинтересованы в действии, а не в деятеле (в новостях, инструкциях, заголовках, объявлениях).

The international exhibition of sport equipment will be held next month.

Тренировочные упражнения «Passive Voice»

Пока мы обедали, комнату убирали.

Future Continuous Данной формы в пассивном залоге не существует Past Perfect had been + III форма глагола (или правильный глагол с окончанием —ed) прошедшее действие, предшествующее другому прошедшему When her parents arrived, the problem had already been solved.

Когда приехали ее родители, проблему уже решили.

Future Perfect will have been + III форма глагола (или правильный глагол с окончанием —ed) действие, которое будет завершено до определенного момента в будущем This document will have been sent by 6 o’clock. Этот документ будет отправлен к шести часам. Present/Past/Future Perfect Continuous Данной формы в пассивном залоге не существует Task1.

Translate into Russian. Breakfast was cooked by our mother. The new rule was explained to us at the English lesson. The story was written by Chekhov.

Пассивный залог. Упражнения

was emptied. 2. were postmarked. 3. were sorted.

4. was loaded. 5. were unloaded. 6. were taken. 7. were sorted.

8. were delivered.

  • The letters (to deliever).
  • The letters (to sort) into the different streets.
  • The mail (to load) into the train.
  • The postbox (to empty) tomorrow.
  • The bags (to take) to the postoffice.
  • The mailbags (to unload) after their journey.
  • The stamps (to postmark) at the post office.
  • The letters (to sort) into the different towns.

Answers: 1.

will be emptied. 2. will be postmarked. 3. will be sorted. 4. will be loaded. 5. will be unloaded. 6. will be taken.

7. will be sorted. 8. will be delivered.

  • Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.
  • My question (to answer) yesterday.
  • Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.
  • Hockey (to play) in winter.

Passive Voice. Упражнения для начинающих (уровень 1)

Выберите правильный вариант и переведите на русский язык.

  • London ( visited / is visited ) by hundreds of tourists every year.
  • The letters (be sent / will be sent ) by post tomorrow.
  • New pop groups ( are much spoken / is much spoken ) about among teenagers.
  • The dogs (were taken out/ was taken out) three times yesterday.
  • The Mona Liza ( painted / was painted ) by Leonardo da Vinchi.
  • The translation (was finished / were finished ) two hours ago.
  • The new cinema ( be built / will be built ) next year.
  • The news programme ( is watched / watched ) by millions of people every day.
  • The dinner ( be / will be ) ready in an hour (через час).
  • Alexander Pushkin’s first poem ( was written / written ) when he was fourteen.

* * * Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

Упражнения на тему Passive Voice

— This letter was received after his departure. 3. Have dogs ever attacked you? — Have you ever been attacked by dogs?

4. Bees gather honey from flowers. — Honey is gathered from flowers by bees.

5. The storm drove the ship against a rock. — The ship was driven against a rock. 6. Who discovered the circulation of blood?

— Whom was the circulation of blood discovered by?

7. They are selling delicious fruit ice cream there now. — Delicious fruit ice cream is being sold there now.

8. The old man showed us the way out of the wood. — We were shown the way out of the wood (by the old man). 9. They offered her some interesting work.

— She was offered some interesting work.

10. The doctor prescribed her new medicine.

— She was prescribed new medicine.

11. They don’t think much of him.

— He is not much thought of. 12. Everybody laughed at this funny animal. — This funny animal was laughed at by everybody.

Грамматические упражнения по английскому языку для 7 класса

Дополните вопросы.

1._____Nelly come to school yesterday? 2.____ Nick a good pupil? 3._____Greg’s mother make a cake tomorrow?

4._____Jillian working in the garden now?

5._____Mike do the homework yesterday? Упражнение 4. Вставьте do / have / will /does где необходимо.

  • What Nick do at school tomorrow?
  • What text you just read?
  • What Nick do every day?
  • Where you go on holiday?
  • Why you bought so much sugar?

На сайте grammar-tei.com есть много . Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, использовав следующие грамматические правила.

Present Simple

  • Моя бабушка живет в деревне недалеко от Минска.
  • Отец Джона работает в крупной компании.
  • Я не смотрю телевизор ночью.
  • Я увлекаюсь дайвингом.
  • Ты часто ходишь в бассейн?

Past Simple.